The application by Andema Pty Ltd, relating to 6 Heron St Peregian Beach ( the former Foodstore) was today refused by Council.
The developer’s drawing below does not identify that it is a three storey building in a two storey zone.

The drawing below shows how it exceeds the 8 metre height limit.

In 2012, a previous owner submitted an application for this site which complied with the Noosa Plan. It was supported by the community and approved by Council as shown in the approved Plan below.

Council refused the current application today for the following reasons:
1. The proposed development is contrary to the Overall and Specific Outcomes of the Eastern Beaches Locality Code as the development is not compatible with the preferred built form outcomes as:
ii. The proposed building height exceeds 8.0 metres and 2 storeys and is not consistent with structures on adjoining and surrounding land nor responsive to the informal beachside character of the locality;
ii. The development presents as a 3 story building and does not contribute to an informal village-like atmosphere that engenders a ‘sense of space’ and public focus for local community interaction and activity;
iii. The proposed development will visually dominate the street, adjacent properties, surrounding spaces and the existing skyline;
iv. The proposed development exceeds the allowable plot ratio and results in a building which presents an appearance of excessive bulk to adjacent properties, roads and other areas in vicinity of the site.
v. The proposed development does not present subtle changes in colours, textures and materials to break up the building facades.
2. The development is contrary to the Driveways and Carparking Code as the proposal does not provide any car parking on site and the car parking demand is likely to exceed the car parking demand generated by the previous use of the site for a grocery store.
PBCAI supports the Council decision to refuse the current application and calls on Andema Pty Ltd to accept the decision and build in accordance with the 2012 approval.