A damning report from the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman has vindicated the massive outcry by northern Sunshine Coast residents in 2019 in response to proposed new flight paths linked to the new Sunshine Coast Airport runway.
Community watchdog group Flight Path Forum says the report is a powerful indictment of the massive flaws which occurred in the community consultation by Airservices Australia.
“At last this report affirms the complaints of residents, and points to a way forward which can give hope to affected residents,” said FPF spokesperson Vivien Griffin.
“In essence, the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman has recommended that Airservices Australia go back to the drawing board with regard to flight path design and to engage with the community in doing so,” said Ms. Griffin.
“A key recommendation is for ASA to implement, as soon as practicable, a post-implementation review process for the Sunshine Coast flight path designs.
This process should consider identified community-suggested alternatives and a community engagement process that provides genuine opportunities for community contributions to influence decisions.”
“Regrettably it seems that Airservices Australia is seeking to delay this process and cause further grief and distress to affected residents.
Their response to this recommendation is to give them 12 months to gather operational data, meaning that the outcomes of the post-implementation review may not be known for a further 18 months,” said Ms. Griffin.
Flight Path Forum has vowed to seek a shorter review process. “If ASA are genuine about improved community engagement, they will work with us in designing the post-implementation review and timelines.”
Flight Path Forum Inc is an umbrella organization for the following community groups:
Peregian Beach Community Association,
Peregian West Residents Association,
Friends of Marcus Beach,
Friends of Lake Weyba,
Castaways Beach Residents Association,
Mudjimba Residents Association,
Verrierdale Residents Group,
Yandina Creek Progress Association.