Peregian Beach Community Association Inc.
PO Box 312, Peregian Beach Qld 4573
Peregian Beach Community Association thanks you for your interest and invites you to become a member. The Association was born some 20 years ago out of community concern for excessive development impacting on public space. Our prime charter remains to keep the community aware of inappropriate developments and protect, enhance and enrich our natural environment.
The Association meets at the Peregian Beach Community House on the second Sunday of each month from 10:00 am.
WEEDING: Extra hands are always welcome to help with weeding at the bush care groups in our area. The PBCA Weeding Team meets on Thursdays from 8.00-10.00am. Contact Rochelle Gooch at peregiancommunity@gmail.com and contact Judy Tulloch (Marcus Beach bush care group) at info@mbba.org.au or go to the website www.mbba.org.au.
President: Barry Cotterell 54482208 Vice President: Marian Kroon
Secretary: Mary Crawford 54712939 Treasurer: Fran Pennay
MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONS: $20 (family) or $10 (individual) - Financial Year July-June.
Subscriptions may be paid:
*by cash to Any Executive Member
*electronically to BSB: 064153 A/No: 10005274 (use your surname as reference)
*by cheque to The above postal address
This form may be:
*Completed in Word and returned as an email attachment to peregiancommunity@gmail.com
OR Printed, completed, scanned and returned by email to peregiancommunity@gmail.com
OR mailed to the PBCA postal address above.
I/We wish to join the PBCAI and confirm that I/We support the aims and objections of the Association.
Name/s: …...................................................................................................................................
Please note: Only complete the contact details (Addresses and Email) if you are a new member OR if you are a renewing member and your details have changed.
Postal Address: ...........................................................................................................................
Phone Number/s……………………………………Email:……………………………………………………………………..
Please note: Everyone needs to complete this section.
Member type: Family: ☐ Individual ☐
Amount Paid: $....................... Cash ☐ Cheque ☐ Electronic ☐
Monthly Minutes by email? Yes please ☐ No thanks ☐
All new member applications are determined by Executive Committee.