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  • Writer's picturePBCAI

PBCA – Helping Peregian Beach fit into the bigger picture.

Local PBCA member, John Hare, (That’s him in the middle of the pic) represents our community association on OSCAR – the Organisation of Sunshine Coast Association of Residents.

He’s just attended the first planning workshop to consider OSCAR’s response to the Sunshine Coast Council Planning Scheme Review and preparation for a new planning scheme by 2024.

What has this got to do with Peregian Beach you might ask. Potentially lots.

Planning guidelines in the next Sunshine Coast Council Planning Scheme 2024 could have a considerable impact on Peregian Beach in terms of development, population pressures and transport options.

The Sunshine Coast is experiencing unprecedented growth and the PBCA is concerned that the growth pressures will have significant – often negative – impacts on our village lifestyle.

By participating in the planning process and providing inputs, PBCA hopes to both influence the process and keep residents informed of potential threats to our village lifestyle.

We have previously written to Mayor Clare Stewart expressing our concerns regarding population pressures on the Shire and have urged Council to participate in the community consultation process. We received a positive response.

We think It’s vital that PBCA protects our village lifestyle by connecting with the other genuine community groups along the coast, and we (that means you, John) will continue to keep us informed as the planning process develops.

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